Our primary volunteer opportunities revolve around our bicycle recycling process. We collect used bicycles and recycle them back into fully functional order. The process includes:
-organizing bike parts and tools
-cleaning bikes and parts
-technical work like repairing brakes, gearing, wheels, and bearings
-test-riding bikes that have been through the ‘fix-up’ process!
Other volunteer opportunities include but are not limited to:
-overall Union maintenance like sweeping, painting, cleaning, etc.
-providing goodies for volunteers to munch on!
-helping us engage in the artistic culture in which we are located (Armory Arts Village)

We cast a large net when it comes to our volunteers so anyone can help! Whether you are a seasoned bicycle mechanic or someone who knows squat about bikes (you’ll be in the majority!), this is a great way to learn more about bikes, serve your community, and meet new people!
Groups can also volunteer though we ask that you give us some advanced notice so that we can get some larger projects in order.